The following offer applies to Monday Evening Class & Zoom Live Classes
Sarah offers an inclusive sliding scale pricing policy so financial circumstances are not a barrier to being part of the class community. Please look at the criteria for each category and select the one that honestly reflects your financial circumstances.
STANDARD RATE | This category reflects the true cost of delivering my classes to you. If you are financially secure, this is the category for you. Your support enables those with less financial resources to access classes. 100%
INCLUSIVE RATE I | Select this category if the (full rate) puts heavy pressure on your monthly budget. Please consider all your resources before selecting this category. This category does not fully cover the cost of delivering classes. It is a genuine effort to redistribute resources, build community and equity in yoga. 20% reduction on Standard Rate.
INCLUSIVE RATE II £8.50 drop in | This category is an acknowledgement that there are those whose economic circumstances which prevent them from coming to classes. If you are a student, a carer or are on universal credit and need to be sustained with warmth by the wider community this is the category for you. 50% reduction on Standard Rate.
*the above sliding scale and also be applied to block bookings please contact me for more information.